Project 2

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Recently, I’ve been exploring feminism and the stereotyping of gender roles, that have been set from birth. Female roles and behaviors are sanctioned surrounding the home and in social cultures.

So for Project 2, I figured talking about this idea would fit perfectly for the Media Culture of today. I wanted to discuss the relationship between media and gender roles through outlets of commercialized media. Television and popular Magazines still provoke our views for female characteristics. I chose vintage ad illustrations from the 50s and recent female figures that have impacted our media today. Throughout the years the media has formed an expectation that all girls should be a certain way, sexually and socially. Women historically are viewed as the dominant family model. Through the ages men have been considered to be financial providers, career-focused, assertive and independent, whereas women have been shown as low-position workers, loving wives and mothers, responsible for raising children and doing housework.

Earlier this year Print Magazine released a very provocative cover (NSFW) of a famous figure in reality tv, Kim Kardashion. The title shown was “Breaking the Internet”, and it did just that. I want to question my viewers. is this content good or bad for our society?


Btw for my gif, I took Peyton’s advice and added Marilyn Monroe 🙂


2 thoughts on “Project 2

  1. Women always had a label of how to act, walk, talk, etc. And its crazy how media has lost those values and accept anything for women. I feel that media only take women seriously if they take their clothes off or sexualize themselves. I feel that Kim Kardashian’s magazine issue content is good for her and “her society”. I think people in her society think its ok because they walk the same grounds and have the same money or are set to the same standards as her. I’m pretty sure all she see is money and has no issue with sexualizing herself. We are only viewers and we don’t live in her world, well not even close. So of course we are going to view this differently because in he fashion world nakedness and sex sells, and since we don’t live in that world it is out of the norm to us. I would never photograph myself naked as she does but would I do it for the amount of money she did it for…hell yea if I had that opportunity. Her content doesn’t bother me at all because it doesn’t affect me as a person, but others are really involved and had a lot to say when she did this shoot. I would say its not bad for her society but its extremely bad for my ours.

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  2. Oh, I love that you added Marilyn Monroe into your project! She has such an iconic look as does Kim Kardashian. The gif really shows the evolution of women from past to present with the ever famous label “easy to sleep with” that seems to come along with being known as a “sex symbol.”

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